I had class early this morning--Chapters from Early English Literature, a study of Milton, Shakespeare, and Chaucer. My professor is the head of the English department and an expert in Renaissance literature, who helped organize a Milton conference this summer. Such a qualified professor and only nine students in the class has made for wonderfully interesting lectures and quality discussion. My other lit professor is well-spoken, interesting, and quite gracious. The reading list for this Early American survey looks promising. Should be some good reading and study. Makes me excited.

This is a photo of the lil coffee shop down the block from our kollegiumban. Just trying to paint you people a picture. It's the place with the green awnings smack in the middle of apartment buildings on our residential street. Ali and I ate szendviches there today and studied for our Hungarian final. We took the test then learned a few more vital Hungarian phrases such as "do you have a student discount?", "the palinka is good, but I don't want anymore", and "do you have this shirt in blue?"
Also, I put some photos up from the Transylvania trip last weekend. Ch-ch-check it out.
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