Ali and I decided to walk back across the liberty bridge from lit. class instead of taking the metro. We had our first test, which went well, and afterward discussed Shakespeare facts and Richard II. I sometimes can't help smirking/giggling when Fabiny dramatically rolls his r's in his professorly British/Hungarian accent. Wrrrrrrrrong. Rrrrenaissance wrrrrriting... He also loves rolling his eyes at us when we don't know all the Shakespearean dates and factoids.

I am sitting on four politics readings for class this evening, so I will post updates about Poland and Italy soon, but not now. I did put up some photos on picasaweb.
Anyway, here are a few random shots from Venice if you don't feel like sifting through the mounds on those web albums.
Me + Jordan hanging out
Me + Pigez in St. Mark's Piazza
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